32 Pages 4 Colour Book Printing Machine, 36000 Speed
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This is the highest selling BOOK PRINTING MACHINE that we manufacture. It has high production quality, flexibility and all kinds of essential features that a good book printing machine must have. Fitted with 2 reel stands, 36,000-speed folders, 2nos 4 high towers, it can produce 32 pages signature folds and cut as per book size. It can print 32 pages with 4 colour signatures as well as 16 pages with 4 colour signatures.
Its 100% uptime performance makes it capable of running day in and day out and its clutch/declutch system for connecting/disconnecting towers, operator-friendly nature and other top-notch features give it a competitive edge over its other competitors in the market.

1. Printing Unit
- Registration: Manual/Motorized/Auto-registration
- Dampening System: Brush-mist/spray-dampening
- Oscillator Roller coating: PU
- Ink Keys: Screw/Lever/Auto-inking
- Print Function On/Off system: Manual/Pneumatic
2. Folder
- Cross Perforation: Optional
- Double Parallel Fold: Optional
- Motorized Compensator: Optional
3. Control System
- DC Drive: Analog/digital
- Remote Diagnostic: Optional
- Central Console: Yes/No.